Angel & Icing #birthdaycake #wings #childhood

Butterflies are free #flyaway #freedom

Day dreaming #dyptique #storewindow #fragrance #candles #butterflies #sky #reflections

Time to chillax @markohelmets#borntoride #freedom #markohelmets #comfort #style

#HotelMolitor #Paris #Champagne #VeuveClicquot #rooftop

Belle Hélène in Aigle #aigle #orange #boots

LIFE AS STILL LIFE #home #jasmin #moni #memories #perfume #fragrance #passion

LIFE AS STILL LIFE #home #flowers #morningsun

Surrealism is alive and well in Paris #ruederivoli #surrealism #vitrine #storewindow

Getting ready for the spring look-book @elsscollection #rentingisthenewowning @studiorauzierriviere

Only half the man he used to be #marchéaupuces #paris

You never know what's hiding behind closed doors at the salon! #surealart #manniquinheads @nyhaircoandspa

Abstration of Timeaux #frenchie #bulldog #perfectioninnature

Abstration of Buster #rescuedog #perfectioninnature